Manual Value Counting Machine Brand Office Bird with Fake note Detection
Manual Value Counting Machine Office Brid is best Brand in India, specially designed for Indian currency, complete currency counting and counter fit note detection, Best seller in Hyderabad is Bhanu Electricals,
UV,MG,IR,MT technology easily find fake note , 1000 notes per min counting speed . Number of pieces counting with fake note detection, Manual Value Currency Counting Machine only 5500/- Office bird
Features & Specification:
Automatic Detecting With UV (Ultraviolet) And MG (Magnetic) While Counting
Automatic Start, Stop And Cleaning
With Batching, Adding And Self-Examination Functions
Doubles-Note Detecting With IR (Infrared Ray) Detection System
Automatic Half-Note, Chained-Note Detection
LCD Color Change To Red When Detect Fake Notes
Suitable For Most Currencies In The World INR,USD
Total Value Calculation Function: Choose Denomination Manually And Display Will Show Total Value After Counting Corresponding Banknotes